A Dark and Stormy Grave Digger is a great adult drink for Halloween. I can’t believe Halloween is just a few days away. I’m a little sad, as I’ll be traveling for work on Halloween, so didn’t bother decorating this year. I’ve been binge watching past seasons of The Simpsons though, and enjoying each season’s Treehouse of Horror. I have to say that my all-time favorite is still one of the very early ones when James Earl Jones narrates Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven. When the Bart-raven bonks Homer on the head with a censer, I still laugh aloud. Yep – I’m that much a nerd.
Back to the Dark and Stormy Grave Digger. I’d wanted to make an appropriately Halloween-y cocktail for a few weeks now. At the same time, I’m also still obsessed with the pineapple rum from Stillwagon Distillery. I thought it might be fun to make a Dark and Stormy using pineapple rum and ginger beer. The problem is that I haven’t been able to find ginger beer anywhere here in our tiny town. Fortunately, we were up in the Portland area for work last week, so I did a run to my favorite liquor store in Vancouver, WA and stocked up.
My Dark and Stormy wasn’t nearly as dark and stormy as I’d hoped. However, with a hefty sprinkling of black sanding sugar, these cocktails look positively like they are from the grave.
- 4 ounces rum
- Juice from 1 lime
- 1 bottle ginger beer
- Put ice in two cocktail glasses. Divide the lime juice and ginger beer between both glasses.. Add 2 ounces rum to each glass.
- Serves 2. Enjoy!