I’m settling into my new job, new house, and new routines. I thought it might be fun to reflect on the last year. My last job involved a lot of travel around the state of Oregon, and some national work for career pathways. I loved it, as in addition to getting to travel all over the place and see some really amazing Oregon scenery, I had such a great time getting to know people who are as passionate about education as I am. My new job keeps me at one place, which is equally wonderful, as I love this place. I’ll still do the occasional meeting travel, but it won’t be nearly as extensive as it was.
I had such a great time going back through these photos and wanted to share some of the highlights.
There were lots of meals eaten in my hotel room. These meals tended to fall into two categories. The first was food I bought at a local grocery and microwaved:
And the second was room service food:
I learned that boxed wine and wine in a can isn’t too bad – but flying through PDX is the best, because it’s easy to find a local Oregon wine and take it with you to your end destination:
I ate a lot of conference food and some of it was photo worthy:
I perfected the art of snack packing for flights:
I had an amazing dining experience in Indiana with a co-worker who also took pictures of her food:
I spent a lot of time in airports. Three meals standout: one in Minneapolis, one in Atlanta, and one in an unidentified airport – the sandwich was great – I have no idea where I was.
I proved what I always knew was true – when you find a restaurant you love in a place, keep going back to it, because you never know when you’ll be that direction again.
I got some great photos of sunsets:
And one really lovely chicken photo:
But now, I’m happily landed here:
And looking forward to many happy years of good food and blogging.